Pakistan Affairs MCQs For FPCS
1. Operation
Desert Shield was launched by US to defend Saudi Arabia in year:
a. 1996 b. 2001 c. 1991 d. None
a. 1996 b. 2001 c. 1991 d. None
2. Suez Canal was nationalized by Egypt in:
a. May 1956 b. July 1956 c. December 1956 d. January 1956
a. May 1956 b. July 1956 c. December 1956 d. January 1956
3. International Peace Day is celebrated since:
a. 1990 b. 2001 c. 1991 D. 1982
a. 1990 b. 2001 c. 1991 D. 1982
4. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated in the age of
a. 49 b. 59 c. 39 d. 50
a. 49 b. 59 c. 39 d. 50
5. Operation Enduring Freedom was launched by US in
a. Iraq b. Egypt c. Cuba d. Afghanistan
a. Iraq b. Egypt c. Cuba d. Afghanistan
6. Ozone Layer restricts
a. Gamma Rays b. Ultraviolet Rays c. X-Rays d. Beta Rays
a. Gamma Rays b. Ultraviolet Rays c. X-Rays d. Beta Rays
7. World Water Day is celebrated every year on:
a. 7 April b. 4 February c. 22 March d. None
a. 7 April b. 4 February c. 22 March d. None
8. Ecology Deals with
a. Earth Sciences b. Animal Sciences c. Marine Biology d. Environment
a. Earth Sciences b. Animal Sciences c. Marine Biology d. Environment
9. For water purification Alum is used to remove
a. Mud Particles b. Salts c. Gases d. None
a. Mud Particles b. Salts c. Gases d. None
10. Metal used to galvanize iron is called
a. Aluminum b. Zinc c. Lead d. Copper
a. Aluminum b. Zinc c. Lead d. Copper
11. Book of Kings commonly known as “Shahnama” was written by
a. Maulana Rumi b. Ommer Khayam c. Firdaus Tausi d. Saddi Sherazi
a. Maulana Rumi b. Ommer Khayam c. Firdaus Tausi d. Saddi Sherazi
12. Galelio invented
a. Barometer b. Thermometer c. Microscope d. (Not Confirmed)
a. Barometer b. Thermometer c. Microscope d. (Not Confirmed)
13. The concept that a single dominant power can maintain world peace is called
a. Strategic Stability b. Hegemonic Stability c. Balance of Power d. Balance of Terror
a. Strategic Stability b. Hegemonic Stability c. Balance of Power d. Balance of Terror
14. Rational interests persuaded by individual causing collective destruction
is called tragedy of
a. Error b. Common c. Elites d. War
a. Error b. Common c. Elites d. War
15. Humidity depends upon
a. Temperature b. Weather c. Location d. All of these
a. Temperature b. Weather c. Location d. All of these
16. The largest part of Hydrosphere is
a. Pacific b. Atlantic c. Indian d. None
a. Pacific b. Atlantic c. Indian d. None
17. Friction can be reduced by changing from
a. Sliding to rolling b. Rolling to sliding c. Dynamic to Static d. Walking to Running (Answer Not Confirm)
a. Sliding to rolling b. Rolling to sliding c. Dynamic to Static d. Walking to Running (Answer Not Confirm)
18. Latitude of a place expresses its regular position relative to
a. North Pole b. South Pole c. Equator d. Antarctica
a. North Pole b. South Pole c. Equator d. Antarctica
19. The infrared radiation from sun are strongly absorbed by
a. Water bodies b. Greenhouse gasses c. Carbon Dioxide d. Plants (Not Confirm)
a. Water bodies b. Greenhouse gasses c. Carbon Dioxide d. Plants (Not Confirm)
20. Operation Gibraltar resulted into which war:
a. Pakistan-India b. Arab Israel
a. Pakistan-India b. Arab Israel