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2009 Past Paper Balochistan Public Service Commission

Balochistan Public Service Commission

Balochistan Public Service Commission
Samungli Road, Quetta Cantt.



Total Marks: 100
........Saturday, January 24, 2009........Time Allowed: 03 Hours

Q-1. Write an Essay on any One of the following topics: (30)

  1. Frailty, thy Name is Woman.
  2. The Problems of World Peace
  3. Once a Liar, always a Liar
  4. The Civil Service of Pakistan.
  5. Eradication of Social Evils

Q-2. Write a letter to the Superintendent of Police drawing his attention to many cases of theft in your Mohalla. (15)

Q-3. Use the following idioms in sentences to bring out their meanings: (10)

  1. Few and far between
  2. By fits and starts
  3. Good for nothing
  4. Do away with
  5. To die in harness

Q-4. Correct the following sentences: (10)

  1. Father gave me many advices.
  2. Tell me who is he?
  3. If I were him, I should not do it.
  4. The pen is to write.
  5. Walk carefully lest you should not fall down.

Q-5. Insert appropriate prepositions in the following blanks: (5)

  1. His servant must comply ___ his masters wishes.
  2. Do not yield ___ temptation.
  3. You will soon get ___ your difficulty.
  4. He flew ___ a rage.
  5. I fell ___ with my old friend in Anarkali.

Q-6. Use the following pair of words in sentences to bring out their meanings: (10)

  1. Censer, Censor
  2. Adapt, Adept
  3. Corporal, Corporeal
  4. Faint, Feint
  5. Ingenious, Ingenuous

Q-7. Make a précis of the following passage and assign a suitable title: (20)

The noblest of souls can find full satisfaction for his aspirations in the sustained effort to do his duty in the work that lies at hand to the utmost that is in him. It is the function of education in the highest sense to teach him that there are latent in him possibilities beyond what he has dreamed of and to develop capacities of which without contact with the highest learning, he had never become aware. And so the university becomes, at its best, the place where the higher ends of life are made possible of attainment, where the finite and the infinite are found to come together. The wider our out look, the more we have assimilated the spirit of the teachers of other nations and other ages than our own, the more will be the possibilities of action open to us, and the more real may become the choice of that high aim of man, the dedicated life. We learn so to avoid the unconscious devotion of our energies to that for which we are not fit, and peril of falling unconsciously into actual existence that best that lies latent in us. The wider out look, the deeper sympathy, the keener insight, which this kind of culture gives, do not paralyze a man. They may teach him his own limits and the more he has learnt his lesson the more will he realize these limits. But they do not dishearten him, for he has become familiar with the truth that the every essence of consciousness and of life is to be aware of limits and to strive to overcome them.

Good Luck


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