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Monday 30 March 2015

Essay-Outline 2014 Can Meaning be fixed?

Can Meaning be fixed?

1) Introduction

  • a) Meaning: Possibility of everything having single Meaning
  • b) Can things be known as one entity to all Humans?
  • c) Thesis statement: It is not possible to fix the meaning.

2) Why it is not possible to fix the meaning of everything?

  • a) Human perception of things varies from person to person (Subjective Idealism of Berkeley) (Half filled glass example)
  • b) The appearance of things takes shape in mind and every mind is different
  • c) Ambiguities of Language is a hurdle in fixing the meaning
  • d) Different context creates different meanings
  • e) Every person translates things according to his biases
  • f) Things are always in evolution so attributing one meaning is difficult

3) Conclusion

  • a) Neither things nor perceiving minds are constant and same
  • b) It is not possible to fix the meaning.


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