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Saturday 28 February 2015

Solved Idioms English Précis Paper 2015

Solved Idioms English Précis Paper 2015

Solved Idioms English Précis Paper 2015
1. Itching palm:
A desire for money / In need of a tip.

All the waiters at that restaurant have itchy palms
Whenever he sees expensive luggage, the hotel doorman gets an itching palm. 

2.The primrose path
The pleasant route through life, of pleasure and dissipation. (If you lead someone down the primrose path, you encourage that person to live an easy life that is full of pleasure but bad for them)

Unable to enjoy his newly acquired wealth, he felt he was being led down the primrose path that leads to destruction.

3. Break one’s fall
To lessen the impact of a falling person

The old lady slipped on the ice, but a snowbank broke her fall.

4.Wash one’s hands of
To end one's association with someone or something

That car was a real headache. I washed my hands of it long ago.

5.To become reconcile to
To accept a situation or fact although you do not like it

She must reconcile herself to the fact that she must do some work if she wants to pass her exams.

6.To militate against
To argue against/To make something less likely to happen or succeed

The complexity and costliness of the judicial system militate against justice for the individual.

7.To be cognizant of
Aware of something / Knowledgeable of something especially through personal experience

He is cognizant of his duties as a father.

8. Wages of sin
The results or consequences of evildoing

She ate all of the strawberries and ended up with a terrible stomachache—the wages of sin, no doubt


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