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Wednesday 14 January 2015

Essay Out-line On Baluchistan Crisis

Essay Out-line On Baluchistan Crisis

01. Baluchistan as a province of pakistan
02. Independence of baluchistan (After august 1947)
03. Historical movements and Kalat annexed in baluchistan
04. Baluchistan part in economy growth (Natural resources)
05. Autocracy of Tribal lords (Tribal lords breed own army and closing down educatioonal institution etc.)
06. Barriers for Baluchistan development (Gawadar port, Mega Projects so on)
07. Dera - Bugti Conflict (Attack on Gas Lines)
08. Persecution on women (Dr. Shazia case)
09. Attacks on Government bodies and Army soldiers
10. Mission against Nawab Bhugti and his death
11. Arise wave of Bomb blasts
12. Responsibility of Baluchistan crisis
13. Govt. Attention on the province
14. Development of Baluchistan
15. Conclusion


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