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Wednesday, 28 January 2015

A Brief of Introduction Of Shah Waliullah

A Brief of Introduction Of
Shah Waliullah

Works of Shah Waliullah

A Brief of Introduction Of Shah Waliullah Works of Shah Waliullah

Shah Wali Ullah was born on February 21, 1703 at Delhi
His real name was  Qutb-ud-Din
His father, Shah Abdul Rahim, was a sufi
He was the founding member of the Madrasa-i-Rahimiyah in Delhi.
Shah Abdul Rahim was associated with the completion of the famous Islamic legal text, Fatawa-i-Alamgiri.

Shah Wali Ullah received his academic and spiritual education from his father.
He memorized the Holy Quran and gained knowledge of Tafseer, Hadith, spiritualism, mysticism, metaphysics, logic, and Ilm-ul-Kalam
He left for Arabia in 1730 for higher education.
During his stay in Arabia, he was influenced by Sheikh Abu Tahir bin Ibrahim, a renowned scholar of the time.
He studied in Medina for 14 years

he returned to Delhi in July 1732
He trained a number of students who were entrusted with the task of spreading Islam.
He translated the Quran to Persian known as Fathur Rahman fi Tarjumatul Qur’an

He eventually wrote 51 books; 23 in Arabic and 28 in Persian.
His famous works are the Hujjat-ullah-il-Balighah and Izalat-ul-Khifa.

Shah Wali Ullah also made efforts for the political uplift of Muslims of India.
He wrote to Ahmad Shah Abdali to help the Muslims of India in crushing the Marhattas
In 1761, Ahmad Shah Abdali, in response to Shah Wali Ullah’s call, inflicted a crushing defeat on the Marhattas at Panipat.

Shah Waliullah had a son and 5 daughters from his first wife. His second wife bore him four sons: Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddis Dehlvi, Shah Rafiuddin, Shah Abdul Qadir, and Shah Abdul Ghani.

On August 20, 1762, Shah Waliullah died and was buried in the graveyard ofMunhadian, beside his father. His shrine known as Dargah Shah Waliullah is present near Moulana Azad Dental College and Lok Nayak Hospital Delhi.

Shah Waliullah


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