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Saturday, 19 September 2015

History Of ISLAM MCQS ( GK Islamiyat )


History Of ISLAM MCQS ( GK Islamiyat )

1001 Mahmud Ghazanavi defeats the Hindu Shahis.

1004 Mahmud captures Bhatiya.

1005 Mahmud captures Multan and Ghur.

1008 Mahmud defeats the Rajput confederacy.

1010 Abdication of Hisham II in Spain. Accession of Muhammad.

1011 In Spain Muhammad is overthrown by Sulaiman.

1012 In Spain power is captured by Bani Hamud. Death of the Buwayhid Baha ud Daula, accession of Sultan ud Daula.

1016 Death of the Zirrid ruler Nasir ud Daula Badis; accession of AI Muizz.

1018 In Spain power is captured by Abdul Rahman IV.

1019 Conquest of the Punjab by Mahmud Ghazanavi.

1020 The Buwayhid Sultan ud Daula is Overthrown by Musharaf ud Daula, Death of the Fatimid Caliph AI Hakim, accession of Al Zahir.

1024 In Spain assassination of Abdul Rahman IV, accession of Mustafi.

1025 Death of the Buwayhid Mushgraf ud Daula, accession of Jalal ud Daula.

1029 In Spain death of Mustaft, accession of Hisham III.

1030 Death of Mahmud Ghazanavi.

1031 In Spain deposition of Hisharn III, and end of the Umayyad rule. Death of the Abbasid Caliph Al Qadir, accession of Al Qaim.

1036 Death of the Fatimid Caliph AI Zahir, accession of Mustansir. Tughril Beg is crowned as the king of the Seljuks .

1040 Battle of Dandanqan, the Seljuks defeat the Ghazanavids. Deposition of Masud the Ghazanavid Sultan, accession of Muhammad. AI Moravids come to power in North Africa.

1041 The Ghazanavid Sultan Muhammad is overthrown by Maudud.

1044 Death of the Buwayhid Jalal ud Daula, accession of Abu Kalijar.

1046 Basasiri captures power in Baghdad.

1047 The Zirids in North Africa repudiate allegiance to the Fatimid and transfer allegiance to-the Abbasids.

1048 Death of the Buwayhid Abu Kalijar, accession of Malik Ur Rahim.

1050 Yusuf bin Tashfin comes to power in the Maghrib.

1055 Tughril Beg overthrows the Buwayhids.

1057 Basasiri recaptures power in Baghdad, deposes Al Qaim and offers allegiance to the Fatimid Caliph.

1059 Tughril Beg recaptures power in Baghdad, al Qaim is restored as the Caliph.

1060 Ibrahim becomes the Sultan of Ghazni. Yusuf bin Tashfin founds the city of Marrakesh. The Zirids abandon their capital Ashir and establish their capital at Bougie.

1062 Death of the Zirid ruler AI Muizz, accession of Tamin.

1063 Death of the Seljuk Sultan Tughril Beg; accession of Alp Arsalan.

1071 Battle of Manzikert, the Byzantine emperor taken captive by the Seljuks.

1073 Death of Alp Arsalan, accession of Malik Shah.

1077 Death of the Abbasid Caliph AI Qaim, accession of AI Muqtadi.

1082 The A1 Moravids conquer Algeria.

1086 Battle of Zallakha. The AI Moravids defeat the Christians in Spain. Death of the Rum Sejuk Sultan Sulaiman, accession of Kilij Arsalan.

1091 The Normans conquer the island of Sicily; end of the Muslim rule.

1092 Death of the Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah, accession of Mahmud.

1094 Death of Mahmud; accession of Barkiaruk. Death of the Abbasid Caliph AI Muqtadi, accession of Mustahzir.

1095 The first crusade.

1099 The crusaders capture Jerusalem.

1101 Death or the Fatimid Caliph Al Mustaali, accession of Al Aamir.

1105 Death of the Seljuk Sultan Barkiaruk, accession Of Muhammad.

1106 Death of the AI Motavid Yusuf bin Tashfin.

1107 Death of the Rum Seljuk Sultan Kilij Arsalan, succession of Malik Shah.

1108 Death of the Zirid ruler Tamin, accession of Yahya.

1116 Death of the Rum Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah. Accession of Rukn ud Din Masud.

1118 Death of the Seljuk Sultan Muhammad; accession of Mahmud II. Death of the Abbasid Caliph Mustahzir, accession of Mustarshid. In Spain the Christians capture Saragossa.

1121 Death of the Fatimid Caliph AI Aamir, accession of AI Hafiz.

1127 Imad ud Din Zangi establishes the Zangi rule In Mosul.

1128 Death of the Khawarzam Shah Qutb ud Din Muhammad; accession of Atsiz.

1130 Death of the Seljuk Sultan Mahmud II; accession of Tughril Beg II.

1134 Assassination of the Abbasid Caliph Mustarshid; accession of Al Rashid. Death of the Seljuk Sultan Tughril Beg II, accession of Masud.

1135 Deposition of the Abbasid Caliph AI Rashid, accession of AI Muktafi.

1144 Imad ud Din Zangi captures Edessa from the Christians, second crusade.

1146 Death of Imad ud Din Zangi, accession of Nur ud Din Zangi.

1147 In the Maghrib AI Moravids overthrown by the Al Mohads under Abul Mumin.

1148 End of t
he Zirid rule' in North Africa.

1149 Death of the Fatimid Caliph AI Hafiz, accession of AI Zafar.

1152 Death of the Seljuk Sultan Masud, accession of Malik Shah II. Hamadid rule extinguished in North Africa.

1153 Death of the Seljuk Sultan Malik Shah I1, accession of Muhammad II.

1154 Death of the Fatimid Caliph AI Zafar, accession of AI Faiz.

1156 Death of the Rum Seljuk Sultan Rukn ud Din Masid, accession of Arsalan II.

1159 Death of the Seljuk Sultan Muhammad II, accession of Gulaiman.

1160 Death of the Abbasid Caliph AI Mukta, accession of Al Mustanjid. Death of the Fatimid Caliph Al Faiz, accession of Al Azzid.

1161 Death of the Seljuk Sulaiman, accession of Arsalan Shah.

1163 Death of the AI Mohad ruler Abul Mumin, accession of Abu Yaqub Yusuf.

1170 Death of the Abbasid Caliph Mustanjid, accession of Al Mustazii.

1171 Death of the Fatimid Caliph AI Azzid. End of the Fatimids. Salah ud Din founds the Ayyubid dynasty in Egypt .

1172 Death of the Khawarzam Shah Arsalan, accession of Sultan Shah.

1173 The Khawarzam Shah Sultan Shah is overthrown by Tukush Shah.

1174 Salah ud Din annexes Syria.

1175 The Ghurids defeat the Guzz Turks and occupy Ghazni.

1176 Death of the Seljuk Sultan Arsalan Shah, accession of Tughril Beg III.

1179 Death of the Abbasid Caliph AI Mustazaii, accession of AI Nasir. Shahab ud Din Ghuri captures Peshawar.

1185 Death of the AI Mohad ruler Abu Yaqub Yusuf, accession of Abu Yusuf Yaqub.

1186 The Ghurids overthrow the Ghaznvaids in the Punjab.

1187 Salah ud Din wrests Jerusalem from the Christians, third crusade.

1191 Battle of Tarain between the Rajputs and the Ghurids.

1193 Death of Salah ud Din; accession of Al Aziz. Second battle of Tarain.

1194 Occupation of Delhi by the Muslims. End of the Seljuk rule.


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