Statistics of Pakistan
Area size
770880 sq. km
Area comparison
Slightly larger than Turkey
Urdu is the official language, but is only spoken by nine percent of the population. Other languages include Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Baluch and English.
Source: New Internationalist World Guide 2005/2006
2005157.9 millionU.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) Population Division (2004)2004157.3 millionU.N. DESA2002148.7 millionU.N. DESA
Future population estimates
304.7 million (2050)
Source: U.N. DESA (2004)
Ethnic groups
The five main ethnic groups are the Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun, Muhajir and Baluch.
Source: NI World Guide
Islam is the official religion and is practised by more than 95 percent of the population. Sunni Muslims form the majority. There are also Christian, Hindu and other religious minorities.
Source: NI World Guide 2005/2006
Percentage urban population
200334.1 percentU.N. Development Programme (UNDP) Human Development Report 2005200233.7 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Year women granted right to vote
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Where two figures are shown, the first refers to a partial recognition of the right to vote and the second to the year women received the right to vote on a universal and equal basis.
Net percentage of girls enrolled in primary education
50 (2002-2003)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage of population under 15
200339.5 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200241.5 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Time zone
GMT +5
Climate description
Mid-October to late February is cool, with fairly warm, sunny days and chilly nights. Midday temperatures are very high between early March and late June, with a rainy season over most of the country between late June and early October. The desert region remains hot and sunny with little rain, and snow falls on the higher mountains in the north.
Telephone dialling code
(+) 92
Driving (left/right)
Average life expectancy
2003 63.0 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200260.8 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Life expectancy - male
200362.8 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 20052002 61.0 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Life expectancy - female
200363.2 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 20052002 60.7 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Infant mortality
200381 per 1,000 live birthsUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200283 per 1,000 live birthsUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Child mortality - deaths before the age of five
2003103 per 1,000 live birthsUNDP - Human Development Report 20052002107 per 1,000 live birthsUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Births attended by skilled personnel
23 percent (1995-2003)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Maternal mortality
500 per 100,000 live births (2000)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Human development index (HDI rank)
2005135 UNDP - Human Development Report 20052004142 UNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Percentage of children under weight for age (under age 5)
38 percent (1995-2003 )
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage of undernourished population
20 percent (2000-2002 average)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Population with access to improved water
200290 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200090 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Population with access to improved sanitation
200254 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200062 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Literacy - average
200348.7 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200241.5 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Literacy - male
200361.7 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200253.4 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Literacy - female
200335.2 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200228.5 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Landlines telephones
2005 34 per 1,000 peopleInternational Telecommunication Union (ITU) 2006200430 per 1,000 peopleITU 2005 200327 per 1,000 peopleUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200225 per 1,000 peopleUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Cellular telephone subscribers
2005 83 per 1,000 peopleITU 2006 200433 per 1,000 peopleITU 2005 200318 per 1,000 peopleUNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Internet users
2004 13 per 1,000 peopleITU 2005 2003 11 per 1,000 peopleITU 2004 200210.3 per 1,000 peopleUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Transparency International corruption ranking (1=least corrupt, 145=most corrupt)
2005144 (joint) Transparency International2004129 Transparency International
Signatory of International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment for the crime of Genocide
Yes (1948)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Signatory of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
No (1984)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Signatory of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Yes (1989)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage of population living on less than US$1 a day
13.4 percent (1990-2003 )
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
GNI per capita, Atlas method
2004600 current US$World Bank Data Profile Tables 2006 2003520 current US$World Bank Data Profile Tables 2006
The purpose of the Atlas conversion factor is to reduce the impact of exchange rate fluctuations in a cross-country comparison of national incomes. The Atlas conversion factor for any year is the average of a country�s exchange rate (or alternative conversion factor) for that year and its exchange rates for the two preceding years.
200496.1 current US$ billionsWorld Bank Data Profile Tables 2006200382.3 current US$ billionsWorld Bank Data Profile Tables 2006
Annual GDP growth
20046.4 percentWorld Bank Data Profile Tables 200620035.0 percentWorld Bank Data Profile Tables 2006
Annual inflation
7.8 percent (2004)
Source: World Bank Data Profile Tables 2006
Share of income or consumption (poorest 10 percent)
3.7 (2003)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Share of income or consumption (richest 10 percent)
28.3 (2003)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
66 per 100,000 people (1990-2004 )
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage HIV+ (adults aged 15-49)
2005 0.1 percentU.N. Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) 20062003 0.1 percentUNAIDS 2006
Risk throughout the year in the whole country below 2000 metres. P. falciparum resistance to chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine reported. (2004-2005)
Source: U.N. World Health Organisation (WHO) 2005
TB cases
2004 181 per 100,000 peopleWHO 2006 2003181 per 100,000 peopleWHO 20052002181 per 100,000 peopleWHO 2004
Number of refugees originating here
200529698 Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)200425952 UNHCR200324389 UNHCR
Number of refugees residing here
20051084694 UNHCR2004 960617 UNHCR20031124298 UNHCR
Number of internally displaced people\Estimate
20000 (2005)
Source: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) 2006
Landmine casualties per year
2004 195 Landmine Monitor Report 2005 2003 138 Landmine Monitor Report 2004
Casualty figures may include both civilians and military personnel injured or killed by landmines and unexploded ordnance.
Signatory to landmine convention?
Source: Landmine Monitor Report 2004
Percentage of GDP spent on military
4.4 percent (2003)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage of GDP spent on education
1.8 percent (2000-2002)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage of GDP spent on health
1.1 percent (2002)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Area size
770880 sq. km
Area comparison
Slightly larger than Turkey
Urdu is the official language, but is only spoken by nine percent of the population. Other languages include Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashto, Baluch and English.
Source: New Internationalist World Guide 2005/2006
2005157.9 millionU.N. Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) Population Division (2004)2004157.3 millionU.N. DESA2002148.7 millionU.N. DESA
Future population estimates
304.7 million (2050)
Source: U.N. DESA (2004)
Ethnic groups
The five main ethnic groups are the Punjabi, Sindhi, Pashtun, Muhajir and Baluch.
Source: NI World Guide
Islam is the official religion and is practised by more than 95 percent of the population. Sunni Muslims form the majority. There are also Christian, Hindu and other religious minorities.
Source: NI World Guide 2005/2006
Percentage urban population
200334.1 percentU.N. Development Programme (UNDP) Human Development Report 2005200233.7 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Year women granted right to vote
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Where two figures are shown, the first refers to a partial recognition of the right to vote and the second to the year women received the right to vote on a universal and equal basis.
Net percentage of girls enrolled in primary education
50 (2002-2003)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage of population under 15
200339.5 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200241.5 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Time zone
GMT +5
Climate description
Mid-October to late February is cool, with fairly warm, sunny days and chilly nights. Midday temperatures are very high between early March and late June, with a rainy season over most of the country between late June and early October. The desert region remains hot and sunny with little rain, and snow falls on the higher mountains in the north.
Telephone dialling code
(+) 92
Driving (left/right)
Average life expectancy
2003 63.0 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200260.8 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Life expectancy - male
200362.8 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 20052002 61.0 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Life expectancy - female
200363.2 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 20052002 60.7 yearsUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Infant mortality
200381 per 1,000 live birthsUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200283 per 1,000 live birthsUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Child mortality - deaths before the age of five
2003103 per 1,000 live birthsUNDP - Human Development Report 20052002107 per 1,000 live birthsUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Births attended by skilled personnel
23 percent (1995-2003)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Maternal mortality
500 per 100,000 live births (2000)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Human development index (HDI rank)
2005135 UNDP - Human Development Report 20052004142 UNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Percentage of children under weight for age (under age 5)
38 percent (1995-2003 )
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage of undernourished population
20 percent (2000-2002 average)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Population with access to improved water
200290 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200090 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Population with access to improved sanitation
200254 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200062 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Literacy - average
200348.7 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200241.5 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Literacy - male
200361.7 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200253.4 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Literacy - female
200335.2 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200228.5 percentUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Landlines telephones
2005 34 per 1,000 peopleInternational Telecommunication Union (ITU) 2006200430 per 1,000 peopleITU 2005 200327 per 1,000 peopleUNDP - Human Development Report 2005200225 per 1,000 peopleUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Cellular telephone subscribers
2005 83 per 1,000 peopleITU 2006 200433 per 1,000 peopleITU 2005 200318 per 1,000 peopleUNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Internet users
2004 13 per 1,000 peopleITU 2005 2003 11 per 1,000 peopleITU 2004 200210.3 per 1,000 peopleUNDP - Human Development Report 2004
Transparency International corruption ranking (1=least corrupt, 145=most corrupt)
2005144 (joint) Transparency International2004129 Transparency International
Signatory of International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment for the crime of Genocide
Yes (1948)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Signatory of the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
No (1984)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Signatory of the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Yes (1989)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage of population living on less than US$1 a day
13.4 percent (1990-2003 )
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
GNI per capita, Atlas method
2004600 current US$World Bank Data Profile Tables 2006 2003520 current US$World Bank Data Profile Tables 2006
The purpose of the Atlas conversion factor is to reduce the impact of exchange rate fluctuations in a cross-country comparison of national incomes. The Atlas conversion factor for any year is the average of a country�s exchange rate (or alternative conversion factor) for that year and its exchange rates for the two preceding years.
200496.1 current US$ billionsWorld Bank Data Profile Tables 2006200382.3 current US$ billionsWorld Bank Data Profile Tables 2006
Annual GDP growth
20046.4 percentWorld Bank Data Profile Tables 200620035.0 percentWorld Bank Data Profile Tables 2006
Annual inflation
7.8 percent (2004)
Source: World Bank Data Profile Tables 2006
Share of income or consumption (poorest 10 percent)
3.7 (2003)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Share of income or consumption (richest 10 percent)
28.3 (2003)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
66 per 100,000 people (1990-2004 )
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage HIV+ (adults aged 15-49)
2005 0.1 percentU.N. Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) 20062003 0.1 percentUNAIDS 2006
Risk throughout the year in the whole country below 2000 metres. P. falciparum resistance to chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine reported. (2004-2005)
Source: U.N. World Health Organisation (WHO) 2005
TB cases
2004 181 per 100,000 peopleWHO 2006 2003181 per 100,000 peopleWHO 20052002181 per 100,000 peopleWHO 2004
Number of refugees originating here
200529698 Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)200425952 UNHCR200324389 UNHCR
Number of refugees residing here
20051084694 UNHCR2004 960617 UNHCR20031124298 UNHCR
Number of internally displaced people\Estimate
20000 (2005)
Source: Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) 2006
Landmine casualties per year
2004 195 Landmine Monitor Report 2005 2003 138 Landmine Monitor Report 2004
Casualty figures may include both civilians and military personnel injured or killed by landmines and unexploded ordnance.
Signatory to landmine convention?
Source: Landmine Monitor Report 2004
Percentage of GDP spent on military
4.4 percent (2003)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage of GDP spent on education
1.8 percent (2000-2002)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005
Percentage of GDP spent on health
1.1 percent (2002)
Source: UNDP - Human Development Report 2005