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CSS International Law MCQs 1986 to 1988

CSS International Law MCQs 1986 to 1988

International Law MCQs 1986

(A) The doctrine, which accepted the "Law of Nature" as an independent source of rules of the law of nations, was propounded by:
1: Bodin
2: Machiavelli
3: Hobbes
4: Grotius

(B) The permanent court of arbitration was established by:
1: The Hague Conferences of 1899 and 1907
2: The Washington Naval Conference of 1922
3: The Vienna Conference of 1968-69
4: The Geneva Convention of April 29, 1958.

(c) "International Law is not true Law but positive international morality only". Who said it?
1: Pufendof
2: Austin
3: Bentham
4: Pollock

(D) "Treates are the supreme law of the land". Where is it laid down?
1: Constitution of USA
2: UN Charter
3: Statute of the ICJ
4: British Constitution

(E) When was Monroe Doctrine originally announced?
1: 1623
2: 1723
3: 1823
4: 1923

(F) A Vasal State is:

1: One which is completely under the suzerainty of another State
2: One which is supposed to exist in every vessel of the State, on the high seas.
3: A Protectorate 
4: A State which is a member of common wealth

(G) A Condominium is :
1: A State of Chaos
2: A State enjoying Dominion status
3: A particular territory over which joint dominion is exercised by two or more external powers.
4: A State with a Federal form of Constitution

(H) ANZUS stands for:
1: African National Zest Under Sovereignty 
2: Association for security purpose of Australia, New Zealand and the United States.
3: Afghan National Zealous United Struggle 
4: All Nigerian Zambian Ugandan Society 

(I) IAEA is used for:
1: International Atomic energy Agency
2: Islamic aid from Emirates for Afghanistan 
3: International agency for Ethiopian Aid
4: Imperial Agency for Europ and Asia.

(J) What is Contraband?

1: All Narcotics
2: Articles banned by a government
3: All Smuggled material
4: Goods which may assist an enemy in the conduct of war.

International Law MCQs 1987

A.   The principle of exhaustion of local remedies is related to:
1: The immunities of a political agent
2: State responsibility
3: Extradition of foreign criminals

B. The headquarters of The United Nations is located at: 
1: Geneva
3: New York
4: Washington
5: Rome
6: Paris.

C. The permanent Court of International Justice has its headquarter at:
1: London
2: Hamburg
3: Luxembourg
4: Geneva
5: The Hague
6: Nowhere

D. The headquarters of ICAO are located at:
1: Vienna
2: New York
3: Nairobi
4: Montreal

E. An agreement between a State and a multinational corporation
1: A Treaty
2: Not a treaty

F. A member of the International Law Commission is:
1: Appointed by his state
2: Appointed by the UN secretary-General
3: Elected by the general assembly 

G. The term of a member of the International Law Commission is:
1: 3 years
2: 5 Years
3: 7 Years
4: 9 years

H. A candidate for the International court of justice is nominated by: 
1: The National Government
2: The National group
3:The president of the permanent court of arbitration .

I. A Judge of the ICJ is elected by:
1: The general assembly
2: The security council 
3: Both the general assembly and the Security council

J, The Security council consists of:
1: 15 members
2: 5 members
3: 9 members
4: 34 members
5: 54 members

K. An ad-hoc judge of the ICJ is:
1: Elected by General Assembly
2: Elected by the Security Council
3: Appointed by the Secretary General
4: Appointed by the State

L. Tobar doctrine is related to:
1: The Cognition of a State
2: The recognition of a Government
3: The recognition of insurgents. 

M. The Vienna convention of consular relations was adopted in:
1: 1815
2: 1961
3: 1963
4: 1969
5: 1975
6: 1978

N. The territorial waters of State may extend up to:
1: 3 miles
2: 6 miles
3: 9 miles
4: 12 miles
5: 24 miles
6: 50 miles
7: 200 miles

O. A land-locked State:
1: Cannot fly its own flag
2: Can fly its own flag
3: Can fly its flag with the flag of another State

P. The definition of aggression was adopted in:
1: 1989
2: 1907
3: 1919
4: 1928
5: 1945
6: 1974
7: 1983

Q. The baseline is line from which the limits of:
1: Air space are measured 
2: Maritime zones are measured
3: The land frontiers of the two States are demarcated.

R. The theory of absolute territorial sovereignty:
1: Allows a State to have absolute jurisdiction over all foreigners.
2: Advocates for exclusive right of the territorial State over water resources of an international river.
3: Entitles a State to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over foreign ships.

S. The doctrine of " inter-temporal law":
1: Means that in case of conflict between Municipal Law and International Law, the latter will prevail.
2: Relates to the question of application of different legal systems prevailing at successive periods.
3: Means that the principle of natural justice take precedence over other rules.

T. The eastern Greenland case rose between:
1: Norway and the U.K
2: Norway and Denmark
3: Norway and Iceland
4: Denmark and Germany.

International Law MCQs, 1988

1. Who is the president of the International court of justice?

a: Muhammad Haleem
b: William Rehaquist
c: Nagendra Singh
d: Hisashi Owada 

2. Who is the present president of World peace through Law center:
a: Charles S Rhyne
b: Warren E Burger
c: Perez de Cueller

3. How often in a year is the "American Journal of International " published?
a: Annually
b: Quarterly
c: Monthly

4. Where is the secretariat of American Society of International Law located?
a: San Francisco
b: Ann Arbor
c: New Jersey
d: Washington DC

5. Where from is "The International Law and Comparative Law quarterly" published?
a: London
b: New York
c: Paris
d: Tokyo
e: Beijing

6. When was the UN charter of human Rights adopted?

a: December 10, 1945
b: December 10, 1948
c: December 10, 1951

7. When did the General Assembly of the United nations adopted the charter of economics rights and duties of States?

a: December 12, 1974
b: December 12, 1980
c: December 12, 1987

8. The diplomatic Conference on Humanitarian Law was held in:

a: 1974
b: 1975
c: 1976

9. The convention on the settlement of investment Disputes between States and Nationals of other States came into force on:

a: October 14, 1966
b: October 14, 1967
c: October 14, 1968

10. The declaration on the Elimination of all Forms of Intolerance and Discrimination Based on Religion or Belief was adopted at the United Nations by consensus in:

a: 1981
b: 1982
c: 1983

11. The Hague Convention on the Taking of Evidence Abroad in Civil or commercial Matters (The Hague Evidence Convention) was done on:

a: March 18, 1970
b: March 18, 1975
c: March 18, 1988

12. The protocol for the suppression of unlawful acts of violence at Airports serving International Civil Aviation was done on:

a: February 24, 1988
b: February 24, 1978
c: February 24, 1968

13. The United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea was held at Geneva in:

a: 1958

b: 1959
c: 1960

14. The second session of the United Nations Committee on economics, social and cultural Rights was held at Geneva in:

a: February 1988
b: February 1987

15. The Convention for the protection of Ozone Layer was done on:

a: March 22, 1985

b: March 22, 1987
c: March 22, 1988


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