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Tuesday, 21 April 2015

CSS International Law MCQs, 1985

InternationalLaw MCQs, 1985

 International Law MCQs, 1985

A. The father of International Law is considered to be:
1: Suarez
2: Pufendorf
3: Hugo Grotius
4: Openheim

B: The Vienna convention on Diplomatic Relations was adopted in:
1: 1815
2: 1958
3: 1961
4: 1963

C. The International court of justice was established:
1: 1907
2: 1919
3: 1945

D. A state has the right to use force in case of:
1: To obtain raw materials
2: To ensure the the protection of human rights
3: Armed attack

E. Foreign warships have:
1: The right of free passage in the territorial waters
2: Are not allowed to navigate in the Territorial waters
3: The right of innocent passage in the Territorial waters.

F. A state has the right to exploit in the continental shelf:
1: Living resources
2: Non-Living resources
3: Both Living and non-Living resources

G. The principle of rebus sic stantibus means:
1: A State cannot use force
2: There is not a crime without Law
3: Fundamental change of circumstances
4: A treaty must be adhered to faithfully

H. A diplomatic agent is immuned from local jurisdiction:
1: In all cases
2: Criminal cases
3: In cases involving personal property

I. Extradition is normally granted:
1: In all cases
2: In criminal cases
3: In civil cases

J. The term of Judges of International court of justice is:
1: Three years
2: Five years
3: Six years
4: Nine years

K. Harmon Doctrine means:
1: A State cannot interfere in internal affairs of other states
2: A State is not bound to recognize a government installed by a foreign power
3: A State has absolute right over the water resources of an international river within its own territory.
4: A State has the right to use power to protect its nationals

L. A State enjoys immunity from the jurisdiction of foreign jurisdiction of foreign courts:
1: All cases
2: Public Cases
3: Private cases

M. The International Law Commission is a body to:
1: Investigate situations which may threaten international peace and security
2: Codify International Law
3: Conciliate between/among the disputing states
4: Constitute an arbitration tribunal for the pacific settlement of a dispute.

N. The principle of jus oogens means:
1: A peremptory norm of International Law
2: A State is bound by the provisions of a forced treaty
3: A successor State is bound by the acts, of a predecessor State.

O. Diplomatic asylum means:
1: A diplomatic agent seeking asylum in the receiving state
2: Asylum provided by a diplomatic mission
3: Asylum provided to a political leader by foreign State.

P. Nationalization of foreign property is: 
1: A State cannot nationalize foreign property
2: A State can nationalize foreign property without compensation
3: A State can nationalize foreign property with compensation

Q. The first case taken-up by the international court of justice was:
1: Nationality decrees in Tunis and Morocco
2: Lighthouse in Crete and Samos
3: Corfu channel
4: Asylum case

R. The Universal Declaration of human rights was adopted in:
1: 1776
2: 1795
3: 1917
4: 1945
5: 1948
6: 1966

S. The Schooner exchange case dealt with the principle of:
1: A State has sovereign right over its natural resources
2: A State's right of reprisal in case of violation of rights
3: A State's courts have to accept the validity of a foreign State's acts.
4: A government is free to seek military assistance from a friendly State.

T. The Estrada Doctrine relates to:
1: Delimitation of boundaries
2: Recognition of a government
3: Jurisdiction over aliens
4: Recognition of a State


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