Solved Pakistan Study Lecturer Requirement Test Paper
1- when pakistan become the member of atomic
1966 , 1974 , 1988, 1998
2- costal area of pakistan in mile
400, 500, 600, 650
3- Liaquat ali khan join AIML in
1922, 1925, 1928, 1930
4- shimla conference held in
1905, 1927, 1945, 1946
5- right hand man of quaid azam
iqbal. liaquat, nishtar, nazimmudin
6- lord curzon assumed his office as Viceroy of India
dec1898, jan 1899, dec1905, jan 1906
7-first president of AIML was
prince karem agha khan , agha khan2 , aga khan3, musanul malik
8- AIML founded on
29dec, 30dec, 28 dec, 31dec
9-shimla deputation lead by
aga khan, johar, musinulmalik. waqarul malik
10- who was the founder british indian association
sir syed, syed amir ali, musinnulmalik. hali
11- british muhammadan association formed by
Sir syed, syed ameer ali , altaf hussain hali, qasim nanatavi
12- AINC formed by
Ghandi, hume, Nehru, banerji
13- what was the profession of Cyril Radcliffe
Journalist, trader, politician, lawyer
14-when pakistan became SEATO member?
1953, 1954, 1955, 1956
15- when pakistan became CENTO member?
1954, 1950, 1956 ,1955
16- pakstan renounced SEATO
1965, 1971, 1972, 1973
17- when pakistan left CENTO
1972, 1973, 1978, 1979
18- when pakistan became member of NAM
1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
19- real founder of two nation theory
Sir syed, allama iqbal, shah walliulla, ahmad sirhindi
20-When separate electoral for muslim accepted
1909, 1919, 1935, 1892
21- when system of Zakat introduced in pakistan
1962, 1973, 1977, 1980
22- area of bangal(1905) in mile before partition
2,40,000 3,14,000 1,89,000 1,40,000
23- when muslim women involved politics openly
1937, 1938, 1939 , 1940
24-1956 constitution abrogated by
Ayub, sikandar, noon, sehrwardy
25- AIML celeberated day of deleverence
22dec1939, 21dec 1939, 23dec1939, 20dec1939
26-which state join pakistan
bohpal, kasmir , haiderabad mamawadar
27- pakistani share in millitry assests after dividation
34% 66% 36% 64%
28- state bank of pakistan started with
3lac 30 lac 3 crore 30 crore
29-first country who accept pakistan
britian, saudi arabia iran afghanistan
30- in the history of pakistan riots again qadiani occured first time in
1949, 1953 1955 1974
31- first session of constitutional assembly held in
10august1947, 11 august 12aug 14aug
32-islamabad became capital of pakistan
1960, 1962, 1964, 1955
33- shimla deputation darfat written by
aga khan, johar, balgarami. mandal
34- president of khalafat committe first time
muhammad ali johar, balgarami, mian shafi, seth chotani
35- who was the president of urdu defence society
waqar-ui-malak musin-ul-malak sir syeed syed ameer ali
36- muhammadan educational conference founded in
1884, 1885, 1886, 1888
37- laylpur converted to faisalabad
1974, 1975, 1978, 1977
37- lahore resolution presented by
a.k fazalul haq, quaid azam, liaquat ali, zafarulla
38- where refrendum held on the base of joining pakistan or india
nwfp, jonagrah, bangal, sindh
39-pakistan first chief justice was
a.b. rashed. zahid hussain, majida razvi, justice munir
40- length of pak afghan border in km
2150. 2250, 2350 2450
41 % kasmir area under indian control
35% 48 % 17 % 75%
42- which reservs present every province of pakistan
coal, gipsam, iron, sulfer
43- in 1990′s where huge deposits of coal founded
kalabagh, makarwal, tharparkar, dandoot
44-first lft. governer of new created east bangal
lawrance, minto, curzon, Bampfylde
45- if muslims are monopolies then what are hindus
non-polies,(other three option not in my mind
1- 1998
2- 650 mile
3- 1922(originally he joined 1923 but this was not present in options)
4- 1945
5- Liaquat ali khan
6- Jan1899
7- Aga khan3
8- 30dec1906
9- Aga khan
10- Sir syed
11- Syed amir ali
12- Hume
13- Lawyer
14- 1954
15- 1955
16- 1972
17- 1979
18- 1979( option was not present in paper)
19- Ahmad sirhindi
20- 1909
21- 1962
22- 1,89,000 sq mile
23- 1937
24- Sikandar mirza
25- 22dec 1939
26- Manawadar
27- 36%
28- 3 crore
29- Iran
30- 1953
31- 10 august
32- 1960
33- Balgarami
34- Sath chothani
35- Musin-ul- malik
36- 1886
37- 1977
38- A.k fazalul haq
39- Abdur rashed
40- 2250km
41- 48%( 35% under Pakistan and 17% under china)
42- Coal
43- Tharparkar
44- Bampfylde
1966 , 1974 , 1988, 1998
2- costal area of pakistan in mile
400, 500, 600, 650
3- Liaquat ali khan join AIML in
1922, 1925, 1928, 1930
4- shimla conference held in
1905, 1927, 1945, 1946
5- right hand man of quaid azam
iqbal. liaquat, nishtar, nazimmudin
6- lord curzon assumed his office as Viceroy of India
dec1898, jan 1899, dec1905, jan 1906
7-first president of AIML was
prince karem agha khan , agha khan2 , aga khan3, musanul malik
8- AIML founded on
29dec, 30dec, 28 dec, 31dec
9-shimla deputation lead by
aga khan, johar, musinulmalik. waqarul malik
10- who was the founder british indian association
sir syed, syed amir ali, musinnulmalik. hali
11- british muhammadan association formed by
Sir syed, syed ameer ali , altaf hussain hali, qasim nanatavi
12- AINC formed by
Ghandi, hume, Nehru, banerji
13- what was the profession of Cyril Radcliffe
Journalist, trader, politician, lawyer
14-when pakistan became SEATO member?
1953, 1954, 1955, 1956
15- when pakistan became CENTO member?
1954, 1950, 1956 ,1955
16- pakstan renounced SEATO
1965, 1971, 1972, 1973
17- when pakistan left CENTO
1972, 1973, 1978, 1979
18- when pakistan became member of NAM
1961, 1962, 1963, 1964
19- real founder of two nation theory
Sir syed, allama iqbal, shah walliulla, ahmad sirhindi
20-When separate electoral for muslim accepted
1909, 1919, 1935, 1892
21- when system of Zakat introduced in pakistan
1962, 1973, 1977, 1980
22- area of bangal(1905) in mile before partition
2,40,000 3,14,000 1,89,000 1,40,000
23- when muslim women involved politics openly
1937, 1938, 1939 , 1940
24-1956 constitution abrogated by
Ayub, sikandar, noon, sehrwardy
25- AIML celeberated day of deleverence
22dec1939, 21dec 1939, 23dec1939, 20dec1939
26-which state join pakistan
bohpal, kasmir , haiderabad mamawadar
27- pakistani share in millitry assests after dividation
34% 66% 36% 64%
28- state bank of pakistan started with
3lac 30 lac 3 crore 30 crore
29-first country who accept pakistan
britian, saudi arabia iran afghanistan
30- in the history of pakistan riots again qadiani occured first time in
1949, 1953 1955 1974
31- first session of constitutional assembly held in
10august1947, 11 august 12aug 14aug
32-islamabad became capital of pakistan
1960, 1962, 1964, 1955
33- shimla deputation darfat written by
aga khan, johar, balgarami. mandal
34- president of khalafat committe first time
muhammad ali johar, balgarami, mian shafi, seth chotani
35- who was the president of urdu defence society
waqar-ui-malak musin-ul-malak sir syeed syed ameer ali
36- muhammadan educational conference founded in
1884, 1885, 1886, 1888
37- laylpur converted to faisalabad
1974, 1975, 1978, 1977
37- lahore resolution presented by
a.k fazalul haq, quaid azam, liaquat ali, zafarulla
38- where refrendum held on the base of joining pakistan or india
nwfp, jonagrah, bangal, sindh
39-pakistan first chief justice was
a.b. rashed. zahid hussain, majida razvi, justice munir
40- length of pak afghan border in km
2150. 2250, 2350 2450
41 % kasmir area under indian control
35% 48 % 17 % 75%
42- which reservs present every province of pakistan
coal, gipsam, iron, sulfer
43- in 1990′s where huge deposits of coal founded
kalabagh, makarwal, tharparkar, dandoot
44-first lft. governer of new created east bangal
lawrance, minto, curzon, Bampfylde
45- if muslims are monopolies then what are hindus
non-polies,(other three option not in my mind
1- 1998
2- 650 mile
3- 1922(originally he joined 1923 but this was not present in options)
4- 1945
5- Liaquat ali khan
6- Jan1899
7- Aga khan3
8- 30dec1906
9- Aga khan
10- Sir syed
11- Syed amir ali
12- Hume
13- Lawyer
14- 1954
15- 1955
16- 1972
17- 1979
18- 1979( option was not present in paper)
19- Ahmad sirhindi
20- 1909
21- 1962
22- 1,89,000 sq mile
23- 1937
24- Sikandar mirza
25- 22dec 1939
26- Manawadar
27- 36%
28- 3 crore
29- Iran
30- 1953
31- 10 august
32- 1960
33- Balgarami
34- Sath chothani
35- Musin-ul- malik
36- 1886
37- 1977
38- A.k fazalul haq
39- Abdur rashed
40- 2250km
41- 48%( 35% under Pakistan and 17% under china)
42- Coal
43- Tharparkar
44- Bampfylde