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Saturday, 14 March 2015

Pakistan’s Education Policy of 1998 To 2015

Pakistan’s Education Policy of 1998 To 2015

·                     The constitution of 1973, article 25 gives right of education to every citizen
·                     Nazira Qur'an will be introduced as a compulsory component from grade I-VIII
·                     The current literacy rate of about 39% will be raised to 55% during the first five years
·                     Of the policy and 70% by the year 2010
·                     About 90% of the children in the age group (5-9) will be enrolled in schools by year 2002
·                     Gross enrolment ratio at primary level will be increased to 105% by year 2010 and Compulsory Primary Education Act will be promulgated and enforced in a phased manner
·                     One model secondary school will be set up at each district level
·                     The participation rate will be increased from 31% to 48% by 2002-03 in secondary level
·                     Computers shall be introduced in secondary schools in a phased manner.
·                     The total expenditure of the government on education will be raised from its present level of 2.2% to 4% of GNP by the year 2002-03
·                     The District Education Authority will be established in each district
·                     The Academy of Educational Planning and Management (AEPAM) shall be strengthened and tuned up to meet the emerging demands of MES and its obligations at national and provincial levels
·                     A School Census Day shall be fixed for collecting data from all over the country.
·                     There shall be regulatory bodies at the national and provincial levels to regulate activities and smooth functioning of privately-managed schools and institutions of higher education through proper rules and regulations.
·                     School, college and university libraries shall be equipped with the latest reading materials/services. Internet connection with computer shall be given to each library. Mobile library services for semi-urban and remote rural areas shall be introduced.
·                     Access to higher education shall be expanded to at least 5% of the age group 17-23 by the year 2010.
·                     A new cadre of teacher educators shall be created.

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