Pakistan Government System of Parliament
In modern
political systems, the legislative branch enjoys somewhat superior position
over the
other two branches of government, as it reflects the will of the
political sovereign. In a
parliamentary set-up the legislature is regarded as
supreme law-making body on the one
hand, and a repository of executive power on
the other.
It was in the interest of the provinces to introduce bicameralism in which the upper chamber
It was in the interest of the provinces to introduce bicameralism in which the upper chamber
would represent the federating units on parity basis. Parity of
representation in one chamber
was thought to act as an important safeguard to
preserve provincial autonomy. Another
advantage of bicameralism is that the
popular trends are let known after short intervals, as the
election to both the
chambers of Parliament are held at different times. In the form of Senate, a
permanent Chamber has been provided in which complete change in it membership
shall not
take place, as half of its members are elected every three years. The
quality of the
membership of Senate is expected to be comparatively superior as
most competent persons,
who may not become members of the National Assembly,
due of non-involvement in practical
politics, can be elected to the upper
chamber due to its limited electoral constituency. Hence,
the nation can
utilize the services of most talented persons