The elementary
school teachers are directly responsible to the
The history of administration goes back to
5000 BC
Adminstration meams
To look after
The main types of adminstration are
Authoritative administration is based on
Democratic administration is based on
Mutual sharing
Respect of opinion is the feature of
Democratic administration
Literal meaning of supervision is
Superior knowledge and power
“Supervision is not to control the teacher but to work cooperatively” is the saying of
Hoy and Forsyth
In teaching learning process supervision is usually carried out by
Assessment of how well a school is performing is
According to Fayol, elements of administration are
According to Gulick and Urwick, elements of administration are
BM stands for
Budget Manual
Who is called father of scientific management theory
Fredrick Tylor
All Govt. grants and expenditures are maintained in
Cash Register
In case of GPF advance , the number of installments for refunding is
How funds in a given period will be obtained and spent is
Who advocated bureaucratic theory
Max Weber
In case of new recruitment the probation period is
3 Years
The father of modern theory of management is
Hery Fayol
Which pension is granted to civil servant who retires in the age of sixty
The history of administration goes back to
5000 BC
Adminstration meams
To look after
The main types of adminstration are
Authoritative administration is based on
Democratic administration is based on
Mutual sharing
Respect of opinion is the feature of
Democratic administration
Literal meaning of supervision is
Superior knowledge and power
“Supervision is not to control the teacher but to work cooperatively” is the saying of
Hoy and Forsyth
In teaching learning process supervision is usually carried out by
Assessment of how well a school is performing is
According to Fayol, elements of administration are
According to Gulick and Urwick, elements of administration are
BM stands for
Budget Manual
Who is called father of scientific management theory
Fredrick Tylor
All Govt. grants and expenditures are maintained in
Cash Register
In case of GPF advance , the number of installments for refunding is
How funds in a given period will be obtained and spent is
Who advocated bureaucratic theory
Max Weber
In case of new recruitment the probation period is
3 Years
The father of modern theory of management is
Hery Fayol
Which pension is granted to civil servant who retires in the age of sixty