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Requirement Test for Inspector Cooperative Societies NTS Jobs Past Papers


RequirementTest for Inspector Cooperative Societies

NTS Jobs Past Papers

Requirement Test for Inspector Cooperative Societies

NTS Jobs Past Paper

Test for Inspector Cooperative Societies

1) Khyber Pass Connects Peshawar With?
Answer: Kabul

2) Baba Farid Ganj Shakr Was Buried In?
Answer: pakpatan

3) Bhasha Dam is in which province?
Answer: Northern Areas Sakrdu

4) Largest Food Crop OF Pakistan?
Answer: Wheat

5) City, Famous for Handicraft and Glazed Pottery?
Answer: Sialkot

6) Holes in Ozone Layer in Which region?
Answer: Antarctica

7) Pakistan's Economy Face Decline Due To?

8) Largest Industry of Pakistan?

9) Largest City of the World By population?
Answer: Tokyo

10) Wrongly Spelt Nursery, Library, Secondary, Primary

11) Beggar, Liar, Controller, .....,

12) Tournament, Ornament, Government, Refreshment,

13) Perfect, Select, defect,.....,

14) Enormous Means ?

15) Opposite of Contract?

16) Uncharged Particle of Atom?
Answer: neutron

17) Speed Of Sound is..............Than Light?

18) 5448 Rounded Off Nearest 1000 Is?

19) If 42% of 550 Student wish to go To College. How Many Wish To Attend The College?

20) 3% of 12 is?

21) A rectangle whose length is 16cm And Breadth 3cm, Its Total Area?

22) Wibledon Grounds Are in?
Answer: England

23) Maximum Energy Is Given By Which Food Component?

24) To Operate Computer Command given in Desired Way is Called?

25) Where is kalabagh dam?
Answer: on the Indus River at Kalabagh in Mianwali District

26) What was profession of fatimah Jinnah?
Answer: dentist

27) When did Quaid e Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah joined Muslim League.?
Answer: 1913

28) Who is the president of India?
Answer: Pertiba patil

29) IMF stands for?
Answer: International monetary fund

30) GDP stands for?
Answer: Gross Domestic Product

31) Where is head quarter of World Bank?
Answer: Washington, DC

28.Comrade news paper issued by?
Answer: Muhammad Ali Johar

29.Most conductor of electricity iron/silver/copper?
Answer: Copper

30.Vitaman which is taking from Sun light?
Answer: D

31.Largest Islamic country by Populating is?
Answer: Indonesia

32.No of Haroof-e-Muqatiyat is?
Answer: 29

33.Duration of Khalfat-e-rashida?
Answer: 30 years

Test for Inspector Cooperative Societies
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