I am sharing knowledge & idea or writing
short essay / expansion in 165 words
but in exams you have to write 280 to 300 words of given topic.
Essay Name: He
Is Truly Great Who Is Great In Charity
The Statement extols charity as a
virtue. He who does charity lives forever. History perpetuates the name of
great philanthropists whose good deeds done to the service of the poor segment
of mankind are remembered.
Those who establish trusts for the
service humanity render a yeoman’s service in different forms. Out of one’s
genuine savings a certain part is set aside to create trusts to serve the poor
people in different fields of life. It is an act of saintliness to take care of
the poor segment of humanity. The name of Dayal Singh comes to one’s mind, in
whose name Dayal Singh College, Lahore, Gulab Devi Hospital, Lahore, stand which
provide educational, health services to the people of all shades. A number of
Muslim trusts must be working in Pakistan. The point is that those who do
charity without an ulterior motive, indeed are great, whose names can not be
effaced by time.
Islam lays great
emphasis on charity through Sadquat , Zakat.
I am sharing knowledge & idea or writing
short essay / expansion in 165 words
but in exams you have to write 280 to 300 words of given topic