Monday, 16 November 2015

Do we Live Better than Our Forefathers

Do we Live Better than Our Forefathers

The emergence of advanced technology has made humankind to live luxurious life. Today, people indulge themselves with modern innovations, which did not exist in precedent years. Current era has coddled men with e-commerce, advanced communication ways, video conferences, digital libraries and so on. These inventions instigate men to strive more. Due to the contemporary modernism, world is called global village.

In precedent years it was impossible to cure many diseases. In the same way, it was very hard for people to perform Hajj, go abroad for education and contact with cronies with communication channel of that time. In previous years, our forefathers use to study on lamps. They worked mostly in the agriculture field. They had no machines to finish job sooner. Similarly, they had no proper hospitals and medicines for their cure. Previous manufactured were handmade; and much of the time consuming in making.

These days, people are one touch away from their cronies. Modern civilization and industrialization have created more job opportunities. Populace choose career of own wish and do job accordingly. In contemporary world, we talk about artificial heart transplantation, hair transplantation, face surgery and so on. Moreover, men have reached moon, and are trying to explore other planets.This was not possible in the prior years. At present, fast transportation system has made common and businessmen to accomplish their work in short span. Science has made time saver machines these days. 

Surely, we live more prosperous life as compare to our forefathers. Current life is incomparable with the earlier one. Modern innovations initiate men to live more comfortable life, and "the day is not far from us, when our small tribe would be pampering at Mars".


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